Speed On Wheels | FUTURUM

After a career of 16 years full of highlights, it's over for Niki Terpstra. He waved goodbye as a professional road cyclist in Paris-Tours and as a track cyclist at the Wooning Zesdaagse in Rotterdam. Check out his amazing palmares below.

The impressive palmares of Niki Terpstra
2010: 3rd Dwars door Vlaanderen
2012: 3rd Paris-Tours, 1st Dwars door Vlaanderen
2013: 3rd Paris-Roubaix
2014: 1st Paris-Roubaix, 2nd E3 Saxo Bank Classic, 1st Dwars door Vlaanderen
2015: 2nd Gent-Wevelgem, 2nd Tour of Flanders
2017: 3rd Tour of Flanders, 3rd Paris-Tours
2018: 1st Tour of Flanders, 3rd Paris-Roubaix, 2nd Paris-Tours, 1st E3 Saxo Bank Classic
2019: 2nd Paris-Tours

Ultra comfortable casual cycling clothing of superior quality.

Handmade in Portugal, developed in collaboration with Niki Terpstra.


Unequalled comfortable casual clothing, handmade in Portugal

Italiaanse topkwaliteit kledin

High quality and attention to detail

Italiaanse topkwaliteit kledin

Developed with Tour of Flanders and Paris-Roubaix winner Niki Terpstra

Niki's favourites.

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Designed by Niki Terpstra

Speed on Wheels is not just a name. It is a way of life. Tour of Flanders and Paris-Roubaix winner Niki Terpstra has a passion for speed, on two or four wheels. Whether on the cobbles, the asphalt, the field or the track, Terpstra always aims to go fast. There has to be a kick, adrenaline. That is Speed On Wheels.

4 seasons


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Monday - Friday 11:00 - 19:00 (CET)
Saturday & Sunday 12:00 - 17:00 (CET)
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